27 October, 2008

Green Isn't Your Color

The photos and footage below was taken on October 24, 2008. Yes you read correctly, it is almost November and the Darbouze family is taking a swim in the "kamoonity pool" (as David calls it). We thought it would bring a smile to the faces and warm the hearts of our cold family and friends in the North. We hope that this didn't cause anyone to be "green with envy."- It isn't our goal to rub this in your face. ; ) I was only looking to gently massage it in your face. Please enjoy the latest family pics of our October swim session.

Jomar is of course looking beautiful as always. Don't be fooled by my traps (shoulder region), below the water is flab. I am in desperate need of a gym membership. : ) Daniel is making is normal, "Why are you disturbing me" photo face.

The kids are fearless. They can't swim, but you couldn't tell by the way they jump in the water. Michaella (Me-ki-ella) often times tries to push my hands away so she can go roaming around the pool on her own.

Watch out Michael Phelps!

David shows off his mix between a doggy paddle and treading water. He is on track to set a new world record in a competition against a turtle "running" on land.

Michaella on the move...to nowhere.

Michaella attempts to master the art of bravery. She continues to think she can do it by herself. But I have to tell her, "You think you can do these things Nemo but you just can't." You have to see Finding Nemo to appreciate that.

Well that is all from the Darbouze family for a little while. We have some new adventures ahead of us that will keep us engaged for awhile. So we probably won't be able to update the site for some time. But don't worry, we plan on updating the link again as soon as we can.

Until the next blog...May God bless and keep you all.

Training 'em Up (Pt. 2)

We started by showing you a morning with the Darbouze's. Now we would like to share an evening with our family. We have for your viewing a reading of a Bible story and "Lama Lama Red Pajama." We wrap it up with David leading us in our evening prayer, but we will have to post that some other time . For all my fans, this blog will not have the normal narration that you have come to greatly enjoy. : ) But don't worry, I have posted another blog along with this one that should make you laugh. : )

Bible Story

Lama Lama Part 1

Lama Lama Part 2

As always, we ask that you take a moment to post comments. We really do enjoy reading what you have to say. We have been getting a couple of comments posted and each has made us smile. Thank you to those who have taken the time out to post a comment. It moves me to keep on updating our blog.

22 October, 2008

Training 'em Up

Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
A morning with the Darbouze family...
We start every day with prayer and a bible story. Then we have the kids recite the books of the bible and answer some questions. Then we give them a daily pep talk of being good listeners and big helpers. We were really impressed with the way David has been picking up the books of the Bible and looking to learn more. It blew us away when we heard Michaella (Me-ki-ella) repeating them along with him. She is a little sponge, when she wants to be. At other times she is a rock. She can be very stubborn (wonder where she got that from). I digress...below are two clips of the kids reciting the books of the Bible.

Micahella (Me-ki-ella) recites the first five books of the Bible. I repeat what she says so you can understand, but she is saying them unprompted. Before the fifth and final book, she does a drum roll. It is really cute.

David recites the books of the Bible from Genesis to Esther. Then he answers a few questions.

After our morning session, we go to the breakfast table. Michaella makes me smile when she prays. She tries to close her eyes and look at the same time. I don't think it ever quite works out completely. David, on the other hand, closes his eyes so tight that I'm amazed he is able to open them again. Just so you are warned, there is a wind storm that can be heard through the camera at the end of the prayer. Really it is me whistling, but I didn't realize I was in the microphone...SORRY.

The family pauses to bless breakfast. David can actually lead the prayer, and Michaella (Me-ki-ella) follows along the best she can. Of course the two were a little camera shy but at least they bowed their heads and prayed along with us.

We are going to try and post a clip of us reading a book called "Lama Lama Red Pajama" with the kids. Talk about funny. David is doing a great job with reading (pictures of course), but he actually memorized the lama book. Stay tuned for that posting in the future, the Lord will.


The Darbouze Family

20 October, 2008

Eyes Wide Open

The demand has been high, so here is the supply...


...a picture of our little linebacker with his eyes open.

(stats: Length-23 1/4 inch, Weight-12 lb 2 oz)

At this point we need to start preparing to post footage of Daniel taking his first step. He is growing so fast. He has been holding his head up since he came out of the womb. Now he is mastering the art of sitting up. I would tell him to slow down, but most of you know my feelings on the empty nest...BRING IT ON. ; ) And Daniel seems like he is ready to take on the challenge.

Please don't get jealous, but Daniel is basking in the sun by the pool side in late September. He was much lighter than his siblings, so we had to try and bring him up to speed. : )

As you can see in the above picture, the sun bathing worked. I was just joking about putting Daniel in the sun for those who are concerned right now. But his color is starting to come in. He is working on controlling his limbs. Or he is just saying, "Waz up" to you all.

20 August, 2008

First Day of Preschool

First Day of Preschool
Pictured above is David's school, Kids-R-Kids.
For moms, this is a moment that brings about unforeseen emotions. Especially when the mother stays at home and raises the kids like Jomar. The potential for a wet substance seeping out the eyes is not far fetched. Jomar held it together though. Probably because she thought I was going to laugh. I wouldn't do that, at least not in the school. : ) Regardless of the surging desire for Jomar to snatch David and run back to the house, I stood firm as we made the long walk to the door.
The Walk
The brave young lad smiles with excitement as he prepares for the moment he has been waiting for. Little does David know, he still has to make it through the woman standing on the other side of the camera. Notice in the far left, looking like the mother from the Muppet Babies (no head), dad stands ready to lead the charge.
This is an emotional moment for dad's as well. It signifies a great change for me also. It causes me to well up with tears....of JOY. This is the first real step to the long awaited empty nest. I hear you critics out there. "Enjoy them while you have them. The time flies by. Slow down Mike. You have three young children. Don't rush it." ETC. To you I say, give me a rocket that moves at the speed of light. : ) I was ready to drop Daniel off too, but I was told we had to wait a few more years.
The Point of No Return!!!

Don't be fooled, the picture to the left was strictly to appease my lovely wife. I was not trying to bond with my son and help him transition. I repeat, I was not trying to bond. ; ) The picture to the right was our parting picture. The picture you can't see tells the real story. All the parents stood in the hallway after the teacher asked us to head to the front (a nice way of saying, go home). Then the teacher came over a second time and asked us to head toward the front once again. And we wonder why children have a hard time listening.
One more statement before I let you all go. My sister would say that I'm being long winded. She doesn't appreciate my stories like all of my other fans. : ) Anyway, David is enjoying school. He goes from 1130-1430 (2:30 pm for you civilians). He is learning his letters and colors. He is growing up so fast. And since I am good and saved, as my spiritual dad would say, I must clear up one misprint. I was probably more emotional than Jomar. Don't read to into it though. I still want them all out as soon as possible. : )
Until the next blog...May the Lord bless you and keep you all.
The Darbouze Family

Welcome Daniel Michael!

Drum roll please...Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor and privilege to hand out two prestigious awards on this day.

The first award, The Welcome to the World Award, goes to Daniel Michael Darbouze. The actual award cannot be presented at this time due to the need of a date change. The date on the award was Aug. 10, but Daniel fell in love with his mother's womb. So he decided he was going to hang out for a few more days (4 to be exact). For this reason, the award will be presented at a later date. We did want to take a moment to acknowledge him.

BORN: Aug 14, 2008 @ 2014
WEIGHT: 9 lbs 6 ozs
LENGTH: 19 3/4 inches
BIRTH ORDER: 5th and final (please Lord say the same) Darbouze (from my loins).

The next award, The Women of the Century Award, goes to Jomar Darbouze. There were many finalist but Jomar edged out the competition by 9 lbs 6 oz (the weight of Daniel). Any one that pushes out a two month old, without so much as an Advil, and then asks to get up and walk around deserves this award hands down. All complaints or challenges can be referred to God, but I heard he doesn't care for complaining.
Mami Moment

Please allow me to remind you that these pictures were taken shortly after the baby was born. The first two pictures were not posed. They were action shots. Yes the smiles are real. I'm sure all arguments for the Women of the Century Award have now been put to rest. : )


The things Dads do to capture the moment. A professional photographer came by to capture studio like pictures of Daniel. And yes, I was the table/stand. We hope to upload a link in the future so all can view the photos. I think it was worth the sacrifice.

David can't hold Daniel enough. But the most touching moment was David's response to the birth of Daniel. When I told him Daniel had arrived he said, "How is Mami doing?" Aaaaaah! Michaella loves her brother as well. It took her a day to adjust to his crying. It was pretty funny seeing her take off when Daniel started crying. It was as if someone turned on the vacuum cleaner. Now little mama runs to the rescue when her baby brother calls.

Now presenting, for the first time
on the World Wide Web....

It brings me great joy, and watery eyes, to present our family to you all. We wouldn't be who we are and where we are if each and everyone of you hadn't contributed to our lives in some way, shape or form. So I want to extend my deepest appreciation on behalf of our entire family. Please keep us in your prayers as the road ahead proves to be challenging for this young family. We know that our Guide (GOD) is reliable.

Continue to check in to the blog to be a witness to the glory of God through the lives of Michael, Jomar, David, Michaella and Daniel

29 July, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday

For David's fourth Birthday,
he requested to make his
very own cake with his Tita.
We're not sure who had
more fun. Nevertheless,
we looked forward to
testing their culinary skills.

Besides making cake, we all
went to the Lowry Park Zoo
in Tampa to celebrate our
big boy with the animals.
We all spent the day sweating
profusely with blisters on our
feet and smiles on our faces.
The kids enjoyed seeing the
monkeys, elephants and all
the other animals that managed
not to faint from heat exhaustion.
We took the kids to the
petting zoo also and David
really enjoyed that. Michaella
sat that one out. At the
entrance of the park there
was a sprinkler play area
that the kids cooled off in.
Lots of fun!

After a very long day in the sun we relaxed around, had some cake and let David open some presents. He seemed to realy enjoy his bithday and is already looking forward to turning five.

Happy Birthday David!

28 July, 2008

Fun! Fun! Fun!

The kids have had so much fun this summer.
They certainly love getting into things together.

The three of them seem to think that Diamar is their personal jungle gym.

They do love to help with the chores though.
It only takes about an hour longer to do them.
They each have their own idea of fun...

Michaella loves trying on different hats.

Ricky loves chasing the vacume cleaner.

David loves playing ball.

They both love the camera.

Most of all, they love playing together.

Michael's Truck

As most of you already know, Michael is currently driving as a regional truck driver for a company named Roehl (pronounced Rail). I recently had the opportunity to meet him at a truck stop in Florida, a bit north from where we live. It was great to see where he sleeps and what it feels like to be behind the wheel of such a large vehicle.

Left-This is the official
insignia of the company

Right-Michael's truck number is 1281

His bed has storage underneath and on either side of it also. He has a microwave and a mini fridge.

Very Comfy

