20 August, 2008

First Day of Preschool

First Day of Preschool
Pictured above is David's school, Kids-R-Kids.
For moms, this is a moment that brings about unforeseen emotions. Especially when the mother stays at home and raises the kids like Jomar. The potential for a wet substance seeping out the eyes is not far fetched. Jomar held it together though. Probably because she thought I was going to laugh. I wouldn't do that, at least not in the school. : ) Regardless of the surging desire for Jomar to snatch David and run back to the house, I stood firm as we made the long walk to the door.
The Walk
The brave young lad smiles with excitement as he prepares for the moment he has been waiting for. Little does David know, he still has to make it through the woman standing on the other side of the camera. Notice in the far left, looking like the mother from the Muppet Babies (no head), dad stands ready to lead the charge.
This is an emotional moment for dad's as well. It signifies a great change for me also. It causes me to well up with tears....of JOY. This is the first real step to the long awaited empty nest. I hear you critics out there. "Enjoy them while you have them. The time flies by. Slow down Mike. You have three young children. Don't rush it." ETC. To you I say, give me a rocket that moves at the speed of light. : ) I was ready to drop Daniel off too, but I was told we had to wait a few more years.
The Point of No Return!!!

Don't be fooled, the picture to the left was strictly to appease my lovely wife. I was not trying to bond with my son and help him transition. I repeat, I was not trying to bond. ; ) The picture to the right was our parting picture. The picture you can't see tells the real story. All the parents stood in the hallway after the teacher asked us to head to the front (a nice way of saying, go home). Then the teacher came over a second time and asked us to head toward the front once again. And we wonder why children have a hard time listening.
One more statement before I let you all go. My sister would say that I'm being long winded. She doesn't appreciate my stories like all of my other fans. : ) Anyway, David is enjoying school. He goes from 1130-1430 (2:30 pm for you civilians). He is learning his letters and colors. He is growing up so fast. And since I am good and saved, as my spiritual dad would say, I must clear up one misprint. I was probably more emotional than Jomar. Don't read to into it though. I still want them all out as soon as possible. : )
Until the next blog...May the Lord bless you and keep you all.
The Darbouze Family

Welcome Daniel Michael!

Drum roll please...Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor and privilege to hand out two prestigious awards on this day.

The first award, The Welcome to the World Award, goes to Daniel Michael Darbouze. The actual award cannot be presented at this time due to the need of a date change. The date on the award was Aug. 10, but Daniel fell in love with his mother's womb. So he decided he was going to hang out for a few more days (4 to be exact). For this reason, the award will be presented at a later date. We did want to take a moment to acknowledge him.

BORN: Aug 14, 2008 @ 2014
WEIGHT: 9 lbs 6 ozs
LENGTH: 19 3/4 inches
BIRTH ORDER: 5th and final (please Lord say the same) Darbouze (from my loins).

The next award, The Women of the Century Award, goes to Jomar Darbouze. There were many finalist but Jomar edged out the competition by 9 lbs 6 oz (the weight of Daniel). Any one that pushes out a two month old, without so much as an Advil, and then asks to get up and walk around deserves this award hands down. All complaints or challenges can be referred to God, but I heard he doesn't care for complaining.
Mami Moment

Please allow me to remind you that these pictures were taken shortly after the baby was born. The first two pictures were not posed. They were action shots. Yes the smiles are real. I'm sure all arguments for the Women of the Century Award have now been put to rest. : )


The things Dads do to capture the moment. A professional photographer came by to capture studio like pictures of Daniel. And yes, I was the table/stand. We hope to upload a link in the future so all can view the photos. I think it was worth the sacrifice.

David can't hold Daniel enough. But the most touching moment was David's response to the birth of Daniel. When I told him Daniel had arrived he said, "How is Mami doing?" Aaaaaah! Michaella loves her brother as well. It took her a day to adjust to his crying. It was pretty funny seeing her take off when Daniel started crying. It was as if someone turned on the vacuum cleaner. Now little mama runs to the rescue when her baby brother calls.

Now presenting, for the first time
on the World Wide Web....

It brings me great joy, and watery eyes, to present our family to you all. We wouldn't be who we are and where we are if each and everyone of you hadn't contributed to our lives in some way, shape or form. So I want to extend my deepest appreciation on behalf of our entire family. Please keep us in your prayers as the road ahead proves to be challenging for this young family. We know that our Guide (GOD) is reliable.

Continue to check in to the blog to be a witness to the glory of God through the lives of Michael, Jomar, David, Michaella and Daniel