23 May, 2007

The Firehouse

David and his playgorup friends went on a trip to the Schenectady Firehouse. They met real firefighters sat in real firefighter vehicles and got to wear their very first fireman's hat. They all had so much fun.

Michaella's Christening

We thank God every day for the gift he gave us in Michaella so on Sunday, May 20th we dedicated our little princess to God. Her Godparents bought her the most beautiful dress to wear on this very special day. The whole church was impressed with how well behaived she was; she didn't cry or fuss at any point. Even Abuelita and Roro were impressed with how she just looked around. When Pastor Teague held her up and presented her to the congregation, we were all so proud. It is wonderful to know that Michaella Danielle has parents, godparents and grandparents that love her so much.

We thank God for our precious little girl today and always!


19 April, 2007

David the Cook

David is now almost three and has recently become a big brother. Not only is he growing physically, he is also trying to help more around the house. Let's just say it's been quite an experience.

David has helped with the laundry, with the vacuuming and with the baby. But most recently he attempted to help make breakfast. Of course, his Aunti Chachau
braved the kitchen with him.

Although the scrambled eggs started off
quite...shall I say, shelly,

they were very tasty.

He's surely going to need cooking lessons.

08 March, 2007

So Much Love!

Although the first few moments of my life were a bit stressful, I was greeted with so much love that I quickly forgot about the traumatic ordeal I had endured.

and Mami

were right there to hold me tight

and make me feel safe.

And after I got cleaned up

I met my big brother, David,

Tita. and
...............my Aunti Chachau

06 March, 2007

The Princess Arrives

After 40 weeks minus one day, our precious little princess made her grand entrance into this world. And it was quite an entrance. As ready as Mami and Papi were Michaella seemed to be in no rush. However, when she decided to make her way, she wasted no time. Only 4 hours after the first contraction and a handful of pushes later, Michaella Danielle was born at 7:00am on Thursday, February 22. She weighed in at 8 pounds and was 20 inches long. It goes without saying that she is the most beautiful baby girl we have ever seen. Michaella is now 12 days old and has a sweet and peaceful spirit. She spends her days sleeping and her nights keeping us up...well mostly she keeps her Mami up. David, now a big brother, is adjusting to the new addition. He and Michaella hit it off right away; they took their first nap together in the hospital. David is quite the helper! He holds her and sings to her when she cries. He even helps Mami burp her after feedings and puts the bobo back in her mouth.