23 May, 2007

The Firehouse

David and his playgorup friends went on a trip to the Schenectady Firehouse. They met real firefighters sat in real firefighter vehicles and got to wear their very first fireman's hat. They all had so much fun.

Michaella's Christening

We thank God every day for the gift he gave us in Michaella so on Sunday, May 20th we dedicated our little princess to God. Her Godparents bought her the most beautiful dress to wear on this very special day. The whole church was impressed with how well behaived she was; she didn't cry or fuss at any point. Even Abuelita and Roro were impressed with how she just looked around. When Pastor Teague held her up and presented her to the congregation, we were all so proud. It is wonderful to know that Michaella Danielle has parents, godparents and grandparents that love her so much.

We thank God for our precious little girl today and always!
